Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les thèses et HDR du CMLS ainsi que les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Entropie et complexité locale des systèmes dynamiques différentiables
- Burguet David
Unique continuation estimates for sums of semiclassical eigenfunctions and null-controllability from cones
- Miller Luc
Uniform growth of groups acting on Cartan-Hadamard spaces.
- Besson Gérard
- Courtois Gilles
- Gallot Sylvestre
Sur la p-dimension des corps
- Gabber Ofer
- Orgogozo Fabrice
DOI : 10.1007/s00222-008-0133-y -
Twistor Forms on Riemannian Products
- Moroianu Andrei
- Semmelmann Uwe
DOI : 10.1016/j.geomphys.2008.05.007 -
Structures conformes asymptotiquement plates
- Vassal Guillaume
On the slowing down of charged particles in a binary stochastic mixture
- Clouet Jean-François
- Golse François
- Sentis Remi
- Puel Marjolaine
DOI : 10.3934/krm.2008.1.387 -
Vector partition functions and index of transversally elliptic operators
- de Concini Corrado
- Procesi Claudio C.
- Vergne Michele
Vector partition function and generalized Dahmen-Micchelli spaces
- de Concini Corrado
- Procesi Claudio C.
- Vergne Michèle
Computing volume function on projective bundle over a curve
- Chen Huayi
Projections in several complex variables
- Hsiao Chin-Yu
Nonlinear Regularizing Effect for Conservation Laws
- Golse François
The Mean-Field Limit for Solid Particles in a Navier-Stokes Flow
- Desvillettes Laurent
- Golse François
- Ricci Valeria
DOI : 10.1007/s10955-008-9521-3 -
A Strong Tits Alternative
- Breuillard Emmanuel
- Golse François
- Salvarani Francesco
The Boltzmann-Grad limit of the periodic Lorentz gas in two space dimensions
- Caglioti Emanuele
- Golse François
DOI : 10.1016/j.crma.2008.01.016 -
Positive degree and arithmetic bigness
- Chen Huayi
Paradan's wall crossing formula for partition functions and Khovanski-Pukhlikov differential operator.
- Boysal Arzu
- Vergne Michele
Analysis of the boundary layer equation in the kinetic theory of gases
- Golse François
Conformally Einstein Products and Nearly Kähler Manifolds
- Moroianu Andrei
- Ornea Liviu
DOI : 10.1007/s10455-007-9071-y -
Solution non universelle pour le problème KV-78
- Albert Luc
- Harinck Pascale
- Torossian Charles
Deformations of Nearly Kähler Structures
- Moroianu Andrei
- Nagy Paul-Andi
- Semmelmann Uwe
Degree growth of meromorphic surface maps
- Boucksom Sébastien
- Favre Charles
- Jonsson Mattias
DOI : 10.1215/00127094-2007-004 -
Tunnel effect for Kramers-Fokker-Planck type operators: return to equilibrium and applications
- Hérau Frédéric
- Hitrik Michael
- Sjöstrand Johannes
On the non-randomness of modular arthmetic progressions : a solution to a problem by V.I. Arnold
- Cesaratto Eda
- Plagne Alain
- Vallée Brigitte