Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les thèses et HDR du CMLS ainsi que les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
The classification of four-end solutions to the Allen-Cahn equation on the plane
- Kowalczyk Michal
- Liu Yong
- Pacard Frank
DOI : 10.2140/apde.2013.6.1675 -
Compact homogeneous lcK manifolds are Vaisman
- Gauduchon Paul
- Moroianu Andrei
- Ornea Liviu
Utilisation d'OpenFlow et des modules Splite Data Plane de DELL pour traiter le DUID-MAC-spoofing des requêtes DHCPv6
- Bruyère Marc
- Delavennat David
Inverse coefficient problem for Grushin-type parabolic operators
- Beauchard Karine
- Cannarsa Piermarco
Contrôle d'équations de Schrödinger et d'équations paraboliques dégénérées singulières
- Morancey Morgan
Stability issues in the quasineutral limit of the one-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson equation
- Han-Kwan Daniel
- Hauray Maxime
DOI : 10.1007/s00220-014-2217-4 -
Large restricted sumsets in general abelian group
- Hamidoune Yahya Ould
- Lopez Susana C.
- Plagne Alain
DOI : 10.1016/j.ejc.2013.05.020 -
Preface [Special issue in memory of Yahya Ould Hamidoune]
- Plagne Alain
- Serra Oriol
- Zemor Gilles
DOI : 10.1016/j.ejc.2013.05.004 -
Yahya Ould Hamidoune’s mathematical journey: A critical review of his work
- Plagne Alain
- Serra Oriol
- Zemor Gilles
DOI : 10.1016/j.ejc.2013.05.005 -
Degenerate parabolic operators of Kolmogorov type with a geometric control condition.
- Beauchard Karine
- Helffer Bernard
- Henry Raphael
- Robbiano Luc
Serrin's overdetermined problem and constant mean curvature surfaces
- del Pino Manuel
- Pacard Frank
- Wei Juncheng
Autour de l'irrégularité des connexions méromorphes.
- Teyssier Jean-Baptiste
Variety of power sums and divisors in the moduli space of cubic fourfolds
- Ranestad Kristian
- Voisin Claire
Inertial-sensor bias estimation from brightness/depth images and based on SO(3)-invariant integro/partial-differential equations on the unit sphere
- Zarrouati-Vissiere Nadege
- Beauchard Karine
- Rouchon Pierre
Inverse source problem and null controllability for multidimensional parabolic operators of Grushin type
- Beauchard Karine
- Cannarsa Piermarco
- Yamamoto Masahiro
DOI : 10.1088/0266-5611/30/2/025006 -
Explicit approximate controllability of the Schrödinger equation with a polarizability term
- Morancey Morgan
DOI : 10.1007/s00498-012-0102-2 -
Solutions of semilinear elliptic equations in tubes
- Pacard Frank
- Pacella Filomena
- Sciunzi Berardino
DOI : 10.1007/s12220-012-9342-0 -
Charles Favre - Application to complex dynamics of the equidistribution of points of small heights
- Favre Charles
- Bastien Fanny
- Beaumont Vanille
Stabilization of an arbitrary profile for an ensemble of half-spin systems
- Beauchard Karine
- Pereira da Silva Paulo Sergio
- Rouchon Pierre
DOI : 10.1016/j.automatica.2013.03.011 -
Deux bases de données musicales avec développements musicxml : Carnet de Notes (PLM - analyse) et Neuma (CNRS - Bibliothèque numérique)
- Tacaille Alice
- Dang Nguyen-Bac
Null controllability of Grushin-type operators in dimension two
- Beauchard Karine
- Cannarsa Piermarco
- Guglielmi Roberto
DOI : 10.4171/JEMS/428 -
Sharp Estimates for Turbulence in White-Forced Generalised Burgers Equation
- Boritchev Alexandre
Construction of the Pauli-Villars-regulated Dirac vacuum in electromagnetic fields
- Gravejat Philippe
- Hainzl Christian
- Lewin Mathieu
- Séré Eric
DOI : 10.1007/s00205-012-0609-1 -
Classification of one-dimensional superattracting germs in positive characteristic
- Ruggiero Matteo
Higher rank homogeneous Clifford structures
- Moroianu Andrei
- Pilca Mihaela