Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les thèses et HDR du CMLS ainsi que les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
The Boltzmann equation over $\mathbf{R}^D$: dispersion versus dissipation
- Golse François
DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-32144-8_7 -
- Baldoni V
- Berline N
- de Loera Jesús A.
- Dutra Brandon E.
- Koeppe Matthias
- Vergne Michele
- Baldoni V
- Berline N
- Koeppe Matthias
- Vergne M.
DOI : 10.1112/S0025579312000101 -
Collisions of vortex filament pairs
- Banica Valeria
- Faou Erwan
- Miot Evelyne
DOI : 10.1007/s00332-014-9218-5 -
- Baldoni Velleda
- Berline Nicole
- de Loera Jesús A.
- Koeppe Matthias
- Vergne Michele
On long time dynamics of perturbed KdV equations
- Huang Guan
Long-time dynamics of resonant weakly nonlinear CGL equations
- Huang Guan
Pseudoholomorphic simple Harnack curves
- Brugallé Erwan
On modular k-free sets
- Lambert Victor
Regularity of some invariant distributions on nice symmetric pairs
- Harinck Pascale
Connections between Optimal Transport, Combinatorial Optimization and Hydrodynamics
- Brenier Yann
LOFAR low-band antenna observations of the 3C295 and Bootes fields: source counts and ultra-steep spectrum sources
- van Weeren R. J.
- Williams W. L.
- Tasse C.
- Rottgering H. J. A.
- Rafferty D. A.
- van Der Tol S.
- Heald G.
- White G. J.
- Shulevski A.
- Best P.
- Intema H. T.
- Bhatnagar S.
- Reich W.
- Steinmetz M.
- van Velzen S.
- Ensslin T. A.
- Prandoni I.
- de Gasperin F.
- Jamrozy M.
- Brunetti G.
- Jarvis M. J.
- Mckean J. P.
- Wise M. W.
- Ferrari C.
- Harwood J.
- Oonk J. B. R.
- Hoeft M.
- Kunert-Bajraszewska M.
- Horellou C.
- Wucknitz O.
- Bonafede A.
- Mohan N. R.
- Scaife A. M. M.
- Klockner H. -R.
- van Bemmel I. M.
- Merloni A.
- Chyzy K. T.
- Engels D.
- Falcke H.
- Pandey-Pommier M.
- Alexov A.
- Anderson J.
- Avruch I. M.
- Beck R.
- Bell M. E.
- Bentum M. J.
- Bernardi G.
- Breitling F.
- Broderick J.
- Brouw W. N.
- Bruggen M.
- Butcher H. R.
- Ciardi B.
- de Geus E.
- de Vos M.
- Deller A.
- Duscha S.
- Eisloffel J.
- Fallows R. A.
- Frieswijk W.
- Garrett M. A.
- Griessmeier Jean-Mathias
- Gunst A. W.
- Hamaker J. P.
- Hassall T. E.
- Horandel J.
- van Der Horst A.
- Iacobelli M.
- Jackson N. J.
- Juette E.
- Kondratiev V. I.
- Kuniyoshi M.
- Maat P.
- Mann G.
- Mckay-Bukowski D.
- Mevius M.
- Morganti R.
- Munk H.
- Offringa A. R.
- Orru E.
- Paas H.
- Pandey V. N.
- Pietka G.
- Pizzo R.
- Polatidis A. G.
- Renting A.
- Rowlinson A.
- Schwarz D.
- Serylak M.
- Sluman J.
- Smirnov O.
- Stappers B. W.
- Stewart A.
- Swinbank J.
- Tagger Michel
- Tang Y.
- Thoudam S.
- Toribio C.
- Vermeulen R.
- Vocks C.
- Zarka P.
DOI : 10.1088/0004-637X/793/2/82 -
Deformations of Extremal Toric Manifolds
- Rollin Yann
- Tipler Carl
DOI : 10.1007/s12220-013-9403-z -
Formes automorphes et voisins de Kneser des réseaux de Niemeier
- Chenevier Gaëtan
- Lannes Jean
A uniqueness criterion for unbounded solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system
- Miot Évelyne
Deux applications arithmétiques des travaux d'Arthur
- Taïbi Olivier
The Hilali conjecture for hyperelliptic spaces
- Fernández de Bobadilla Javier
- Fresán Javier
- Muñoz Vicente
- Murillo Aniceto
Euler-Poincaré pairing, Dirac index and elliptic pairing for Harish-Chandra modules
- Renard David
Derivation of a homogenized two-temperature model from the heat equation
- Desvillettes Laurent
- Golse François
- Ricci Valeria
DOI : 10.1051/m2an/2014011 -
Topology-preserving diffusion of divergence-free vector fields and magnetic relaxation
- Brenier Yann
DOI : 10.1007/s00220-014-1967-3 -
Minimal time for the bilinear control of Schrödinger equations
- Beauchard Karine
- Coron Jean-Michel
- Teismann Holger
DOI : 10.1016/j.sysconle.2014.06.009 -
A refinement of Izumi's Theorem
- Boucksom S.
- Favre Charles
- Jonsson Mattias
An averaging theorem for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with small nonlinearities
- Huang Guan
DOI : 10.3934/dcds.2014.34.3555 -
Controlling the Galois images in one-dimensional families of ℓ-adic representations
- Cadoret Anna
- Tamagawa Akio
DOI : 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2014.04.024 -
The KdV equation under periodic boundary conditions and its perturbations
- Huang Guan
- Kuksin Sergei
DOI : 10.1088/0951-7715/27/9/R61