Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les thèses et HDR du CMLS ainsi que les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Nonsmooth mean field games with state constraints
- Sadeghi Arjmand Saeed
- Mazanti Guilherme
DOI : 10.1051/cocv/2022069 -
Non-archimedean aspects of the SYZ conjecture
- Pille-Schneider Léonard
Duality for Landau-Ginzburg models
- Sabbah Claude
Mean field games with free final time
- Sadeghi Arjmand Saeed
Correspondance de Langlands locale $p$-adique et anneaux de Kisin
- Colmez Pierre
- Dospinescu Gabriel
- Nizioł Wiesława
Global well-posedness for a system of quasilinear wave equations on a product space
- Huneau Cécile
- Stingo Annalaura
Analyse de quelques inégalités fonctionnelles et équations aux dérivées partielles liées à de grands systèmes quantiques
- Sabin Julien
Hybrid toric varieties and the non-archimedean SYZ fibration on Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces
- Pille-Schneider Léonard
DOI : 10.48550/arXiv.2210.05578 -
Construction of high-frequency spacetimes
- Touati Arthur
When do two rational functions have locally biholomorphic Julia sets?
- Dujardin Romain
- Favre Charles
- Gauthier Thomas
L-functions of Kloosterman sheaves
- Qin Yichen
Density of automorphic points in deformation rings of polarized global Galois representations
- Hellmann Eugen
- Margerin Christophe
- Schraen Benjamin
DOI : 10.1215/00127094-2021-0080 -
Global pluripotential theory on hybrid spaces
- Pille-Schneider Léonard
DOI : 10.48550/arXiv.2209.04879 -
Birational involutions of the real projective plane
- Cheltsov Ivan
- Mangolte Frédéric
- Yasinsky Egor
- Zimmermann Susanna
Degenerating complex variations of Hodge structure in dimension one
- Sabbah Claude
- Schnell Christian
The relative hermitian duality functor
- Fernandes Teresa Monteiro
- Sabbah Claude
- Paul Thierry
- Paul Thierry
Birational automorphisms of varieties
- Kusnetsova Alexandra
Cohomology of hyperplane sections of (co)adjoint varieties
- Benedetti Vladimiro
- Perrin Nicolas
Compactness methods in Lieb’s work
- Sabin Julien
DOI : 10.4171/90-2/38 -
General remarks on the propagation of chaos in wave turbulence and application to the incompressible Euler dynamics
- de Suzzoni Anne-Sophie
SOLIS. XVI. Mass ejection and time variability in protostellar outflows: Cep E
- de A. Schutzer A.
- Rivera-Ortiz P R
- Lefloch B.
- Gusdorf A.
- Favre C.
- Segura-Cox D.
- López-Sepulcre A.
- Neri R.
- Ospina-Zamudio J.
- de Simone M.
- Codella C.
- Viti S.
- Podio L.
- Pineda J.
- O’donoghue R.
- Ceccarelli C.
- Caselli P.
- Alves F.
- Bachiller R.
- Balucani N.
- Bianchi E.
- Bizzocchi L.
- Bottinelli S.
- Caux E.
- Chacón-Tanarro A.
- Dulieu F.
- Enrique-Romero J.
- Fontani F.
- Feng S.
- Holdship J.
- Jiménez-Serra I.
- Jaber Al-Edhari A.
- Kahane C.
- Lattanzi V.
- Oya Y.
- Punanova A.
- Rimola A.
- Sakai N.
- Spezzano S.
- Sims Ian R
- Taquet V.
- Testi L.
- Theulé P.
- Ugliengo P.
- Vastel C.
- Vasyunin A I
- Vazart F.
- Yamamoto S.
- Witzel A.
DOI : 10.1051/0004-6361/202142931 -
Hodge theory of Kloosterman connections
- Fresán Javier
- Sabbah Claude
- Yu Jeng-Daw
DOI : 10.1215/00127094-2021-0036 -
BBB une réponse à l'explosion des besoins en visioconférence?
- Massias Henri
- Layrisse Sandrine
- Khabzaoui Mohammed
- Delavennat David
- Shih Albert